Faith: How Rings Its Definition to You? { WORD17, Week 39}

Faith: how rings its definition to you?

Hebrews 11:1 tells us this:

If we further our glance into Hebrews 11, we see real people who put faith in action. Here’s how:

Abel trusted God with his sacrifice.

Noah built in holy fear.

Abraham followed blindly.

Jacob leaned on a cane, grey hairs flowing, and worshiped.

Moses’ parents put fear in a spin as they defied the king’s edict.

Walls of Jericho fell as Joshua and the people marched.

And on it goes. Hebrews 11 blazes the trail for a faith hall of fame. With wisdom, we’ll take a spin or two around its corridors, tagging along on that trail.

Take a look at Hebrews 11. Praise God for the mighty things He has done. #WORD17 Share on X

WORD17 is our Monday/monthly scripture memorization program. This month we’re memorizing Hebrews 11:1. Each Monday we post and chat about the verse. You’re welcome to join at any time.

For past WORD17 posts, check out this search on or this one on Pinterest.

For this month’s posts, click here for week 36, here for week 37, and here for week 38.

We’ll be off next Monday since it’s a 5th Monday, but look for WORD17 to be posted again on Monday, Nov. 6. 

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  1. Hebrews 11:1 is one of those verses that pops up in my mind just when I need it. Faith is such an important aspect of our everyday lives. Thanks for the encouragement to memorize, Kristi!