How Do You Read Your Bible? A Simple Approach for Consideration
How do you read your Bible?
Mind if I throw something practical onto the blogosphere today? It’s nothing profound, but the end result, its by-product, certainly could be. It could be life-changing.
How do you read your Bible?
Do you have a plan?
I’ve tried several and have completed a few. Maybe you too?
Maybe you’re the “open it and go” type. Wherever the pages fall, that’s where your reading eyes will traverse.
Perhaps it’s a struggle, finding the time. You have great plans and intentions, but busy builds a roadblock and the Bible goes by the wayside.
Or, maybe you’re like me. You start, have great intentions, but distractions manifest. I feel a little “here, there, and everywhere” flipping through the Bible, with focus fading.
A New Way of Reading the Bible
There are several good plans out there, but I’m quickly falling in love with a new way of reading. It came out of necessity. My focus is short; the approach fit. It came because I needed “easy-to-follow” while diving the depths of relationship with my Daddy.
I didn’t set out to read the Bible in a year. That always seemed so daunting, and has been a struggle in the past. I loose track! I’m truly in awe of those that can stay to a year-long reading plan ALL year long. Woot! Woot! You go, folks! Knowing God’s Word is power. And depositing it once each year – fabulous!
This plan is different because, well, I guess I’m different. My piano teacher of years ago can attest. I was her only student who practiced in several 2-5 min. segments daily. You’ll laugh, but I practiced during television commercials! The “30 minute-at-a-timers” and I still landed in similar spots, but the approach was different. Maybe yours is, too.
So here goes.
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A Simple Approach to Bible Reading
1. READ 1 CHAPTER from each daily: Psalms, Proverbs, and one other book of choice.
Three books are easy peasy for the focus-impaired. (Like me!)
2. MATCH the chapter with the numerical day of the month.
For example: read Psalms 1, Proverbs 1, and Joshua 1 on October 1, Psalms 2 on October 2, and so forth.
Again, it’s easy to keep track because the numbers match. Sounds silly, but this was a hurdle for me.
I started with Joshua. There’s something about the words whirling within that book that chime success.
Don’t be discouraged. Be strong and courageous.
Yes! That’s what I desire in my relationship with the Lord and with Bible reading.
3. The “Book of Choice”: START WHERE YOU’RE EXCITED.
Consider starting with a book that has approximately 30 chapters and one that interests you. Exciting reads are stacked throughout the Word. In my case, writing a drive-time devotional about Joshua for my kids brought a need to know.
Twenty-four ripe and ready chapters awaited. But then I got to the 25th day of the month. Now what? Joshua ended at 24.
What’s a girl to do?
4. When you’ve completed your book of choice, CELEBRATE!
You just finished one of God’s love letters to you. Shall we make a sticker chart? For real. There’s something about the visual, about tracking and celebrating progress on a nifty calendar such as these from Donna Young.
5. After hoots and hollers have subsided, CHOOSE A SHORT BOOK to read for the remainder of the month.
Galatians, Ephesians, Joel, and Micah are examples. I counted how many days were left in the month then went “in search of” a book that contained the same number of chapters. Galatians goes well with Joshua, for example.
6. START again.
This approach will always start at Proverbs 1 each month. Wisdom in, wisdom out. Can you imagine how solid our decision-making will become as we are formed by Proverbs?
Psalms is a different story. On the 2nd month, we’ll start with Psalms 31, then 61 on the 3rd month, and so forth. And if there are 31 days in the month? We’re afforded the opportunity to read Psalm 31 two days in a row. 😉
It’s not rocket science. (That’s a good thing because science never was my “thing”.) It’s about drawing closer to God via three chapters daily.
Regardless of how you delve into the Word, whet your appetite daily, my friend. Allow His daily bread to satisfy your spiritual belly. Walk deeper with God.
Mark Your Calendars…
It’s (almost) a sin to miss Joanna’s touching testimony about fostering and adoption. It’s that good! #YourStory is next Tuesday, October 6. In the meantime, check out past #YourStory testimonies on the Free Christian Resources page. See you next Tuesday!
I love your reading plans, Kristi! I switch things up often because I get restless. I’m going to be sharing a cool plan next week …
I like the idea of keeping our relationship with Christ fresh and alive and vibrant. Same old same old doesn’t cut it. He is worthy of the best offering we have.
Thanks for this great post. What an encouragement today!
Love that you’re sharing a new plan as well, Linda. Wrap the yarn around my finger so I’ll remember to check it out, okay? Looking forward to it!
Just got back from the Oct 2012 bus tour and all I can say is OH MY GOD! they are freaking awesome I am ready for this huge change my life is taking. Thx to Paul Montelongo, David Woodward and Jamal. Blu Bus rocked this tour! Armando you are the best wax off wax off! Bulls**t I’m a freaking miarloniile!
I love this approach! Before I started doing Hello Mornings, I always read in a fashion very similar to what you have outlined. I read one Proverb, one Psalm & one chapter of my choice. It makes such a difference. The weeks in between studies I still do this 🙂 Have a great Tuesday!
Golly, minds are thinking alike. Love it.
What I love best about your plan is that it is always about new beginnings! Usually people get all fired up about an approach to reading, then they get behind, it fizzles, and that’s the end until next January 1. With your mind-set, the beginning of every month is a new start and a new opportunity for success!
Michele, you’ve put it in words….”every month is a new start and a new opportunity for success!” Yes!
Looking at you stirring things up! I love your encouragement to start with what excites you. Yes, we may not want to start our enthusiastic journey in Lamentations or Job. 😉 I too get caught up in tracking the ins and outs of traditional one-year reading plans. Thanks for the blueprint for something brand new!
You’re welcome, Tiffany. 🙂
Kristi, I used to be an open and go girl. But nowadays, I love a plan. I love looking forward to reading the next part! Thank you for good, practical ways to get into the word.
You’re welcome. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Lisa.
Kristi, great encouragement for diving deeper into God’s Word. I used to do a plan similar to yours with just Psalms and Proverbs until I found a Bible in a year that works for me. I love that you found a plan that works for you and excites you to pursue God’s heart. Thank you, Kristi, for sharing your heart at #IntentionalTuesday on Intentionally Pursuing. : )
Isn’t it sweet when we find a plan that works? So glad you did, Crystal.
This is such a wise idea! I like the idea of ALWAYS keeping myself in Psalms and Proverbs. Because they are SO RICH in thoughts about God and wisdom. I also agree with reading through a BOOK at a time, because it’s so enlightening to read it that way. So glad I read this today!
Those books are rich in God’s goodness. 😉 You’re a blessing, Angela.
Simple and Brilliant steps friend.
God Bless Krisiti
Simple is my style. 😉 God bless you as well, Ifeoma.
Such interesting suggestions! I follow the yearly Bible Study at my church but sometimes I like to try new thanks so much! I also love your enthusiasm for scripture, and the celebrate part! Visiting from next door at #TellHisStory!
So glad you visited, Kathy. And yes, let’s celebrate!
Oh I absolutely love the simplicity of this plan. I love having a plan, but the One Year Bibles were too much for me to absorb in one sitting! Thank you sweet friend fro sharing!
You’re welcome, Ellen. Simple is “in” in my book. 😉
We are working on wisdom in the Sunday Morning sermon series. This is probably a good time to dig in and learn more! Thanks for the recommendation to read Proverbs.
You’re welcome, Helene. Thanks for stopping by.
That’s really a practical way of reading the Bible given the busyness we all have every day.
Love your ideas, Kristi. It makes me eager to get more into God’s Word and to see what I’ve been missing in some of those books I rarely touch.
Kristi, I do something similar. I choose a book to read through, also read a passage from the Psalms, and then may throw in some Bible reading I need to do for whatever study our Bible study group is going through. I don’t necessarily read a chapter from each and the numbers don’t match the days of the month, but I somehow miraculously know where I am and what I’m doing 🙂
I’ve done a Psalm and Proverb every day over the years and it’s always blessed. When I’ve done it in the past, I’ve just added it to the book I was already reading. I like your idea too, though, of purposely connecting it to the other two, so the three always walk together. Most of this year, the Lord has had me meandering my way through His word in a different kind of way than in the past…it’s slower, but it’s rich. We’re so blessed to have this life-giving book to fill us up; love how He speaks through His word. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Kristi.
We all need encouragement to dig into the Word. Thanks for offering it here!
I often wanted to try a one-year plan, but usually didn’t think about it on January 1. *ahem*
So I was really glad when I found because it lets you create a reading schedule beginning on the 1st or 15th of ANY month. I chose to go chronologically through the Bible and loved it. Have probably gone through it that way 4 or 5 times.
Now I’m doing a Precept International study of Zechariah. Taking a week to go through two chapters. And I’m loving this, too!
However we do it, we just need to BE in His Word!