How The Power of Forgiveness Can Help You
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Study the life of Jesus, and you’ll dive head-first into the power of forgiveness. You’ll plunge into the warm, deep waters of love, grace, and mercy too. When Jesus’ forgiveness washes over us, it’s good. It’s quenching our thirst for eternity. A pardoning of our sins for all time.
Forgiveness can help.
Yet spitting out the words, “I forgive you,” to others or even to ourselves often seems about as likely as the sun going on strike. We know we should forgive. We want to–kind of. Yet something is holding us back. Or, maybe we simply refuse to offer forgiveness to the dirtbag or chump who doesn’t deserve it for what they did to us or others.
Yet, what did we do to Jesus?
We sinned. Lies, bitterness, other gods, lust, murder–even “good girls” fit in a sin category somewhere. It’s why we need Jesus.
Whether you found this page through my short story, Repairing Our Forever, or landed here by a web search, welcome. Let’s dive into some tools that’ll help you forgive and allow your life to shine the power of forgiveness. For all to see and give God praise.
What Does the Bible Say About the Power of Forgiveness?
The Bible offers much about forgiveness, and a quick look in a concordance results in a long list of Bible verses. Look for more of those later on this page. In the meantime, here’s one of the first Scriptures many think of when it comes to forgiveness.
What are the Benefits of Forgiveness
- Acknowledgement of Christ’s forgiveness for us (Eph. 4:32)
- Our forgiveness of others and God’s of us are intertwined (Mark 11:25)
- Jesus will forgive our sins when we confess them (1 John 1:9)
- Opportunities to offer it are many (Matt. 18:21-22)
- If we forgive, we’ll be forgiven (Luke 6:37)
Prayer to Forgive
A Prayer to Forgive Others
I trust You and love You. Thank You for the freedom to approach You and know that You will hear my plea. Forgive my sins, Lord. (If applicable, name them.) Forgive me. Likewise, I forgive ________ for ________. I lay this situation at Your altar, knowing You can handle it so much better than I can. Forgive me for withholding forgiveness, for harboring my own solutions that fall short. Cleanse me of unrighteousness, Lord. Bless _______. Give them wisdom and eyes to see. May they be drawn closer to You and Your love. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
A Prayer to Forgive Yourself
I don’t always love myself, Lord. I get frustrated with myself when I make bad or wrong decisions. Sometimes, I forget that I’m the creation of Your hand, and it’s easy to be hard on myself for falling short, yet difficult to forgive myself and move on. So today, I acknowledge that apart from You, I can do nothing and that I’m Your workmanship. Your work is good, Lord. Oh, so good. Father, forgive me for my trespasses. I’ll release the tight grip I keep over m own and trust those to you instead. I choose to no longer dwell on my shortcomings and those times I made poor decisions in the past. Today, I will focus on Your goodness, Your mercy, Your love, and will walk with peace into the future. Because your grace is sufficient. Thank You, Lord, that I don’t have to shoulder this because You already have.
A Prayer to be Forgiven for Salvation
Dear Jesus,
You love me. Today, I know this. Thank You for welcoming me with wide-open arms. Please fill the empty spot in my heart, Lord. I confess that You are Lord and ask You to forgive my sins. Wash me white as snow Lord. I want to be clean. Thoroughly. Thank You that I can count on spending eternity with You in heaven, and thank You for putting the “old” behind me. I love You, Lord.
In Jesus’ name,
The Bible says that angels celebrate the salvation of a single person. Let’s celebrate too! I’d love to hear from you.
Be encouraged today my friend. Dig into His word. The New Testament is a good starting point.
Also, don’t do this alone. Join a church, pray and search for a spiritual mentor, or simply let another Christian know you are born again. The best is yet to come.
Much Love,
Not-to-Miss Posts on Forgiving
- Why is Forgiveness so Hard to Offer?
- Ever Found Forgiveness Impossible to Offer?
- How to Forgive When I Don’t Want to Forgive (My Battle to Forgive)
Scriptures on Forgiving Others
Stories on Forgiveness
Christian Nonfiction Stories on Forgiveness
Christian Fiction with a Forgiveness Theme
- The Many Lives of Veronica
(A collection of short stories. Look for Repairing Our Forever by Kristi Woods.)
A heavy weight lifts from us when we forgive. Peace rests in its place. And all is good.
It’s not always easy–forgiving–but it is always right. Always worth it, too. Never, friend and fellow faith race runner, underestimate the power of forgiveness. Through Jesus, it has saved the world.
Go here.
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