#ScriptureBank2016, Week 7

#ScriptureBank2016, Week 7

It’s the 5th Monday of February! Every 5th Monday brings a glimpse into others’ lives concerning scripture memorization. We’ll travel around the blogosphere to gather encouragement for our memorizing journey. Today we’re on the path to Betsy’s at Faith Spilling Over.   Betsy travels daily with a love for God’s Word. This girl LOVES every letter. She and…

Dear Troubles & Trials written on paper with a pen below

Dear Trials and Troubles – Let God in the Driver’s Seat Now

  Dear Troubles & Trials, I wish I could say we’re through. But life promises time with you. Your vehicle has carried me far too often. But now? A driver switch is due. Troubles and trials, you arise, but do you remember years ago when I sat in your vehicle’s seat? You clicked the buckle tight, slammed…