
Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through learning about God: Jesus, the Holy Spirit, & the Father for our spiritual growth.

Dear Troubles & Trials written on paper with a pen below

Dear Trials and Troubles – Let God in the Driver’s Seat Now

  Dear Troubles & Trials, I wish I could say we’re through. But life promises time with you. Your vehicle has carried me far too often. But now? A driver switch is due. Troubles and trials, you arise, but do you remember years ago when I sat in your vehicle’s seat? You clicked the buckle tight, slammed…

A bedspread with the words Do You KNow the MEaning of All? written over it in a gold circle

Do You Know the Meaning of All?

Have you ever searched, and searched, and SEARCHED for something? Weeks, months, even years? I did recently. My search lasted for seven years. And get this–it was for a simple bed comforter. Several proved perfect – until the contents came to light. Others offered pleasing designs, but the colors rubbed me wrong. And so the story went. Nothing on…

Does Your Faith Feel Like a Rollercoaster Ride?

Does Your Faith Feel Like a Rollercoaster Ride?

Do you have days where faith feels like a roller coaster ride? The ups, the downs, the stomach-in-your-mouth turns? If you’re silently whispering me too, you’re not alone. We click along fine, the kind of fine that pulls out of the gate nice and easy, slow and steady. Click.Click.Click. The coaster clicks along the track,…

#drifiting | #faith | #christian

Are You Drifting?

  Drifting is subtle.   Have you ever enjoyed the sun on a blow-up at ocean’s edge, drifting along without a care in the world?   Drifting is easy.   Halt your canoe’s paddle for a spell. Travel without effort will be added to your ticket.   Drifting requires no effort.   Getting in the…