Spiritual Growth

Kristi Woods encourages faith growth with these tools, ideas, and conversations centered on the Bible, self-worth, love, prayer, and trust.

Does Your Faith Feel Like a Rollercoaster Ride?

Does Your Faith Feel Like a Rollercoaster Ride?

Do you have days where faith feels like a roller coaster ride? The ups, the downs, the stomach-in-your-mouth turns? If you’re silently whispering me too, you’re not alone. We click along fine, the kind of fine that pulls out of the gate nice and easy, slow and steady. Click.Click.Click. The coaster clicks along the track,…

#drifiting | #faith | #christian

Are You Drifting?

  Drifting is subtle.   Have you ever enjoyed the sun on a blow-up at ocean’s edge, drifting along without a care in the world?   Drifting is easy.   Halt your canoe’s paddle for a spell. Travel without effort will be added to your ticket.   Drifting requires no effort.   Getting in the…

Seeking Him First

Seeking Him First

What a gal today’s guest writer is! Gina Payton and I were introduced over a Pampered Chef party several years ago in Hawaii. There was a noticeable difference about Gina from the get-go. It was the unquestionable aroma of the fragrance of Christ. He glows on Gina in a very practical, every day, I-need-Him-for-every-breath kind…

Stand Up

Stand Up

 There are some questions that help up stand up even firmer in our faith. Are you real, God? Are you there?  How do I know this faith is real?      I’m not sure I believe…… even though I’m a believer….   It’s okay to ask these questions. Sometimes, it’s paramount to our faith growth. Questioning Faith A recent…