Spiritual Growth

Kristi Woods encourages faith growth with these tools, ideas, and conversations centered on the Bible, self-worth, love, prayer, and trust.

Psalm 34:22 written in black and gold on a white background

This Is It! Catch Our Final Memory Verse of the Year Here + A Thanksgiving Prayer

This is it! It’s our final memory verse. You guys, we did it! We’ve worked our way through Psalm 34 in 2018. The whole, crazy good Psalm. Just tuck this last, glorious verse into the heart. And that’s it! I love that this is our last one. Call it a verse of hope and redemption,…

God, why am I feeling this way? with leaf and water in the background

God, Why Am I Feeling This Way? How to Go Beyond Feeling Left Out

God, why am I feeling this way — feeling left out? Have you ever asked the question? Better yet, have you ever used a cookie cutter? They’re related. Trust me. Read along, and you’ll see. Each December during my younger years, Mom whipped up a batch of sugar cookie dough. Man, she made THE BEST…

Biblecal Clay Lamp Replica wtih the words What is the Utility of Biblical Archaeology? written across it.

What is the Utility of Biblical Archaeology?

What is the Utility of Biblical Archaeology? Guest Post by Don McNeeley Please allow me to introduce you to a dear friend from Tony’s and my Virginia Beach days, Don McNeeley. If you remember from July’s “3” Newsletter–where we connect on three interesting, personal, and/or helpful topics each month–my family and I visited with friends…

Sky background with God, Can You Help Me + Book Reviews on a white overlay

God, Can You Help Me? + Book Reviews & a Giveaway

God, can you help me? Have you ever uttered, “God, can you help me?” The words swirl in our thoughts when we find ourselves in a quandary when the battle grows strong. We grow weary. Fighting one.more.day feels defeating. Silence emanates from God’s side. The situation appears impossible. And then the thought slips into our…

Pink zinnia flower with the words, When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped { Guest Post }

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped Welcome to today’s guest blogger, Crystal Storms. She’s a friend from my days in Florida. She’s a past guest here as well, and gosh, we love this girl. A hearty welcome to Crystal Storms. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when longing is fulfilled, it is a…

Pavers making a sidewalk with Christian blog post overlay that says Pray These 3 Bold Prayers to Help Protect Your College Student

Pray These 3 Bold Prayers to Help Protect Your College Student

Here are three bold prayers for your college student.  What Led Me to Pray for My College Student “Mom, when I leave for college, I probably won’t be home until December,” Joel offered. Tears filled my eyes and began spilling south. With head bowed, my oldest son commented, “Gary says you’ll probably cry when I…