
Uncategorized Christian blog posts from Kristi Woods. They’ll find their way to a faith category to help you grow your faith soon! (Let’s hope.)

Picture of paper towels with words in black


Is God your Jehovah-Jireh? Abraham called the name of that place Yahweh Will Provide. As it is said to this day, “On Yahweh’s mountain, it will be provided.” Gen. 22:14 WEB There was a time several years ago when the Lord God displayed His name beautifully to our family. He proved Himself quite faithful as…

The Other Side of the Fence; A Lie Masquerading

The Other Side of the Fence; A Lie Masquerading

UPDATE:   The Other Side of the Fence; A Lie Masquerading is now available for orders.For ordering and more information, go to: www.KristiWoods.net (click the resources tab)  Xulon Press and Amazon.com will also be carrying it as will several E-readers. Stay tuned for more information on the E-readers. My prayer is that this book on temptation…

The Lord is….

The Lord is….

The stillness always amazes me. The shimmering in the warmth of the morning sun even more so. It’s the waters of Pearl Harbor on a quiet, still morning. This morning was one of those beautiful mornings. Very little moved in the calm except the feet of walkers and joggers and the melodious notes flowing from…



Hi. It’s me, Kristi. It’s confession time on the front porch, from one bearing branch to another. Never mind the chipping nail polish on the tootsies. That’s normal for this country girl. (OK, so now you’re looking very closely, aren’t you? Maybe I should have skipped right over that tidbit, eh?!)   Anyhoo, above is…