Spiritual Mentoring: 30 + Helpful Ideas

Lined paper on wood with Christian blogpost title: Spiritual Mentoring: 30+ Helpful Ideas

What Is A Spiritual Mentor?

You might have heard the term spiritual mentor, but what is it? Spiritual mentoring a believer modeling the Christian lifestyle and helping a younger-in-their-faith-believer grow in Christ.

In this post, you’ll find 30+ ideas to help you mentor others. Or, use them as resources for yourself. Enjoy!

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Biblical Mentorship Examples

Take a look in the Bible, using a concordance if you’re unsure where these folks land in the Scriptures, to examine these biblical mentorship examples.

  • Naomi & Ruth
  • Moses & Joshua
  • Eli & Samuel
  • Mordecai & Esther
  • Jesus & the Disciples

Iron sharpens iron;
so a man sharpens his friend’s countenance.

Prov. 27:17 WEB

Mentoring in the Church

Some churches have intentional programs for mentoring.

Others organize small groups that often emulate or spawn mentoring between women.

And then other times, it’s simply a met need, a leading by the Holy Spirit for a one-on-one mentoring relationship. (This is best, in my opinion.)

God led a woman named Barbara to mentor me for five-ish years. She continually pointed me toward Jesus in her actions and our conversations.

God used that relationship to help change my life. And goodness, I hope I’ve “paid it forward.”

Maybe mentoring has impacted you, too?

How Do You Biblically Mentor Someone?

Here are a few suggestions in your journey to biblically mentor.

  • The Holy Spirit pours out His wisdom, so lean an ear toward and focus on Him. Let the Holy Spirit lead in relationships, including a biblical mentorship.
  • Bathe that relationship in prayer.
  • Reach out. Communicate. Listen to their needs and respond accordingly.
  • Ask questions.
  • Love well.

It doesn’t have to be stiff. Allow this organic relationship to grow for the duration God has in store.

Ideas for Spiritual Mentoring

Here are additional practical ideas to help you in the mentoring journey.

  • Converse Often
  • Walk Together
  • Text Regularly
  • Invite Her to Your Table
  • Pray For and With Her
  • Lead Her to the Bible (Hard Copy, Dwell The Bible App)
  • Share Helpful Bible Verses
  • Suggest or Buy Helpful Books
Mother and son smiling
12131EB: The Ministry of Motherhood: Following Christ"s Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children - eBook The Ministry of Motherhood: Following Christ’s Example in Reaching the Hearts of Our Children – eBook
By Sally Clarkson / WaterBrook

Sally Clarkson offers many helpful resources. The Ministry of Motherhood is one.

Woman's praying hands over a Bible
4262106: Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus Transforming Your Thought Life: Christian Meditation in Focus
By Sarah Geringer / Leafwood Publishing

Appreciated this book from Sarah Geringer. Most women struggle with their thought life in one fashion or another.

Seated with Christ book cover for Christmas gift idea
413437: Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparision Seated with Christ: Living Freely in a Culture of Comparision
By Heather Holleman

Many of us live half alive. We compare, compete, self-analyze, and self-promote in our endless, busy pursuit of perfection. Seated with Christ heralds a new kind of living. If it’s true what Scripture says, the we are treasured by God and given a place at his table, then all we need to do is to take our seats. Heather Holleman shows us how. Take your seat and live–simply, freely, fully–because of Jesus, for Jesus, and in the love of Jesus. Quit trying: be free.

Fantastic book by Heather Holleman. Hands down a read for virtually every female.

Bible Studies

Study Resources

Digital Bible Study cover picturing sand grains for Shake Off Discouragement
Find this & other Bible studies HERE




101 Prayers for Military Wives Gift Book sitting ear a plant and a Bible
Help “mentor” military wives in an indirect way. Gift copies. To find out more, email Kristi here.

Gifts & Encouragement

  • Note Cards (Check out the free stationery in the Subscriber Library)
  • Scripture Notes
  • Faith-oriented Jewelry
  • Books
    Testimonies like Corrie ten Boom, David Wilkerson, or Loren Cunningham
    Gift Books & Other Christian Books
  • Stream Music (instrumental worship music in the background does the heart good)
  • Your Time

As You Set Out to Mentor

Spiritual mentoring can last for a snippet in time or for years. When my mentoring journey with Barbara was coming to a close, the Holy Spirit prepared me. I knew. But I didn’t say anything, because it made me nervous to think of my faith walk without her in this way.

Not long after, however, Barbara shared what I already knew. God had spoken to her, too.

However long your spiritual mentoring journey is, may Christ be central. May He be high and lifted up. Enjoy the walk, friend.

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