10 Best Podcasts for Christian Moms

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Are you turning a listening ear, looking for the best podcasts for Christian moms? Lean in, friend. We’ve got a list of 10 good, helpful, and encouraging podcasts just for you–ones targeted at Christian moms of all ages and experience. But some of these aren’t just for moms. They’re for those of us looking toward Jesus–all types of women.

Some of these may be familiar, others will be new. All have a place in the podcast world. Feel free to give your feedback and note your favorite podcasts in the comments. Enjoy!

1. Intentional Living Podcast

Sliding in here shamelessly at the beginning is the Intentional Living with Kristi Woods. Sound familiar? It should. 🙂

This podcast focuses on intentionality with our faith walk. Listen for your own faith growth, or pass the link along to others, including teens or older children.

  • Episodes: 6 total
  • Length: Approximately 30 minutes
  • Topics: Prayer, the Bible, Relationships, and more.

Intentional Living with Kristi Woods

Notepad, pen, glasses, and drink on a white surface with the title of this Christian podcast

2. Entitled Christian Children?

This episode of Faithful Life with Matt and Lisa Jacobson is called How to Free Your Kids From Feeling Entitled. In today’s times, moms might find this one helpful.

You might remember this Christian couple from last year’s book review. Most of their podcasts center on marriage, so peruse their listings to see if there are others you’d enjoy. But for this one, it’s all for the Christian mom and dad.

Faithful Life

  • Episodes: 1 (Many other topics & titles await at this podcast, however.)
  • Length: Approximately 35 minutes
  • Topics: Freeing Children from Entitlement

3. Are You Raising Kids On Your Knees?

Are you concerned with the destiny of your children? This Christian podcast is steeped in prayer and “real” discussion. Episodes are short, sweet, and encouraging. If you’re a mama whose confidence wobbles or you’d love a little new year encouragement, take a listen.

Raising Kids on Your Knees

  • Episodes: Many, but we’ll focus on one here
  • Length: Approximately 12 minutes
  • Topics: Various–This one focuses on shaping the destinies of our children

4. Podcasts for Moms and Women Short on Time

Many moms find themselves short on time. After all, mothering takes time and a crowd of arms at times, doesn’t it? Short podcasts come in handy for those busy schedules.

Your Daily Bible Verse from BibleStudyTools.com focuses on one Bible verse and a short discussion surrounding it. (This podcast is affiliated with Salem Web Network, as is the Intentional Living with Kristi Woods podcast.)

  • Episodes: Many
  • Length: Approximately 5 minutes
  • Topics: Bible verses and a short discussion/devo
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5. Mothering Children with Mental Illness

The By His Grace Podcast by Misty Phillips is FILLED with encouraging stories, ones that bolster our faith. Take some time and listen to several of these. You’ll find a friend here–and possibly hours of listening joy.

One episode called Parenting Mental Illness addresses very specifically Tammy Kennington’s story of parenting a child with mental illness. Mothers in similar trenches will find great encouragement here.

  • Episodes: Many
  • Length: 15-ish minutes
  • Topics: Various stories from Christian women

6. Podcast Stories to Encourage

At Home with Sally causes the listener to feel as though they’re sitting with Sally Clarkson in her home. It’s comfortable, conversational, and would be good to listen to while prepping dinner or delivering kids in the mama taxi. And if you’ve read any of her books or heard her speak, you know Sally has a beautiful heart for encouraging mamas in this all-important Kingdom role. The podcast is no different.

Try Nurturing God-Sized Dreams and let us know what you think.

At Home with Sally

  • Episodes: Many
  • Length: 25ish minutes
  • Topics: Various — centered on mothering and the home

7. An Oldie but Goodie

They’ve been on the radio for years. There’s a reason. Don’t forget to keep this podcast ready to play. Some are parenting-focused, but Focus on the Family’s broadcasts focus on marriage, social issues, and many aspects of the Christian life.

Answering Your Kids’ Tough Faith Questions is a useful tool for moms.

Focus on the Family

  • Episodes: Many
  • Length: 30 minutes
  • Topics: Parenting, Marriage, Social, Etc.

8. A Podcast for Moms of Teenagers

Endless Grace by Doug Hall Podcast offers an episode on understanding teenagers–from the perspective of a former high school administrator. You might find good insight and encouragement here.

Conversation with Daniel Patterson: Issues Facing Today’s Teenagers

  • Episodes: One (This podcast offers many others as well.)
  • Length: 40-ish minutes
  • Topics: Understanding Teens (Other topics and stories faith-wise are available for listening, too.)

9. Unsetting Goals Mama

Sounds a little odd, doesn’t it–unsetting goals. (Is unsetting even a word?!) There’s an episode from Life Repurposed that caught my attention that’s about this very thing. It’s called What’s on Your List of UN-Goals for this Year? Take a listen to this one from Michelle L Rayburn–she has a very comfortable podcast voice, by the way–as we venture into the new year.

Life Repurposed

  • Episodes: Many
  • Length: 20-ish minutes
  • Topics: Faith Focus on Women

10. Spiritual Podcasts for 2019 (Christian)

This is a revisit to last year’s list of Top Christian Podcasts. It’s a popular post with fifteen solid suggestions for any Christian. You’ll find The Verb, More than Smalltalk, and more listed here.

Top Christian Podcasts

  • Episodes: Many
  • Length: Vary
  • Topics: Vary

I hope you find a new favorite among this list of best podcasts for Christian moms–and others, too. Happy listening, friend.

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  1. I have never listened to By His Grace, nor Sally Clarkson’s podcast although I am loving what I see of her on Instagram. (In a culture that idolizes youth, it is refreshing to me to see a model of an older woman in ministry. 🙂 )

    And congrats to you on those podcasts! Well done!

    1. Oh good! Sounds like you may have two new podcasts to listen to. Sally really is an “old soul” and ministers in such a sweet, calm way. You’ll likely recognize several of the guests on By His Grace, not to mention the host, Misty Phillips. Enjoy…and thank you for your kind congrats, too, Betsy.

  2. This is a phenomenal list! I have a three-hour drive later today and will be adding several of these to my list. Other than At Home with Sally, these are all new to me and I’m excited to check them out. Thank you for this awesome resource!

  3. Kristi, thank you for this list. I didn’t know you had a podcast, friend. I bookmarked this page so I can refer back to the links until I get them all on my podcasts list.

  4. I have been looking for some more Christian podcasts to listen to! I’m excited to start listening to these! Thanks!

  5. This is so helpful! I have been looking for some podcasts to begin following – I already follow Raising Kids on your Knees but I will be tuning in to yours and others on this list! thank you!