
Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through learning about God: Jesus, the Holy Spirit, & the Father for our spiritual growth.

Water with leaf with words written in white boxes over top

Why Is Being a Lukewarm Christian as Dangerous as Not Following Jesus?

PIN ME for LATER 🙂 This post may contain affiliate links. Full disclosure here. Why is being a lukewarm Christian as dangerous as not following Jesus? Read to see. There’s something about a nice, hot bath. It warms chilly bones. I confess, I love soaking in the tub. But not in lukewarm water. Lukewarmness teases…

Pink zinnia flower with the words, When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped { Guest Post }

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped Welcome to today’s guest blogger, Crystal Storms. She’s a friend from my days in Florida. She’s a past guest here as well, and gosh, we love this girl. A hearty welcome to Crystal Storms. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when longing is fulfilled, it is a…