Unleash the Power of Prayer in Your Life: A Power that Transforms Lives {Study Guide with Prayer Prompts}
Unleash the Power of Prayer.
Do you know what you have to do to hear someone whisper? You have to lean in closer to listen to their voice and hear what they say. The Prophet Elijah is one of my favorites in the Bible. He truly believed in the power of prayer, but most importantly, he heard the voice of God on many occasions. Inspired by God’s directions, he called fire down from heaven and prayed for God to help raise a woman’s son from the dead.
However, He wasn’t always fervent with his faith in God. He even pleaded with God to take his life at one time! Despite believing in prayer, Elijah got angry, feared for his life, and often felt alone. Elijah was as human as we are, yet when he prayed earnestly that no rain would fall, none fell for three and a half years. (James 5:17. NLT)
Seven years ago, after watching the Presidential debates, my heart was saddened by the current state of our country. Before falling asleep that night, God encouraged me to write a book about the power of prayer. He wanted me to encourage my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to PRAY.
Hearing the Voice of God
It was overwhelming to experience God’s prompting to write a book. Even though I’d always wanted to write since I was younger, I’d only written mostly poetry. I had no idea where even to begin! God’s voice still permeated my mind when I awoke the next day. Sitting at my computer later that day, I began to share my redemption story. Despite all my sins, disobedience, and failures, God continued to pursue me.
Now, let me clarify; it was not the audible voice of God that I heard back then. The convicting of the Holy Spirit encouraged me to write about the power we have access to, just like Elijah. In reading a commentary about Elijah, the writer referred to the still, small voice of God as a “Gentle whisper.”
The Power of God’s Voice
After Elijah’s victory at Mount Carmel, Queen Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah! Well, he didn’t stop to pray or seek God out. No, Elijah took off running! He ran, and he ran, and then he asked God to let him die! He’d had enough. Have you ever felt alone, underappreciated, fearful, and alone? But God.
God knew exactly what this emotional Prophet needed. He needed to hear the voice of God on a personal level.
He offered him a place to rest after all the running. Then an angel visited Elijah and encouraged him to eat the bread and water miraculously prepared for him. He knew Elijah had a forty-day journey in front of him. God always knows exactly what we need and when we need it. He sees the panoramic view of our lives, and we tend to focus on our circumstances only.
Despite the power of God displayed when fire rained down from heaven, God’s still, small voice gave Elijah the comfort, encouragement, and wisdom to continue his service for Him. God informed Elijah that he was not alone. God provided Elijah with everything he needed to continue his enlightenment journey.
Are You Ready?
Have you heard from God before? How did you respond? Were you full of questions, doubts, and fear? Or are you still waiting to hear from Him? We know that God is watching. Here’s what pastor Chuck Swindoll says about God revealing himself to his children.
“Don’t kid yourself; God’s not impressed with you; He’s checking out your humility, your sensitivity, your availability. He’s looking for someone who will slow down long enough to check out a burning bush.” -Charles Swindoll.
So, I ask you this: do you slow down enough to hear God’s still, small voice? Is your heart sensitive to His voice, or do other “priorities” interfere with your prayer life? Ask yourself. Are you ready and willing to fulfill God’s plan for you?
Be still and know that I am God.
PS 46:10 KJV
The world’s darkness becomes more evident in these chaotic and challenging times. God implores His children to pray. Not nursery rhymed prayers or prayers with little effort or thought. We need POWERFUL PRAYERS!
Satan is busy, Christian! He knows his time is short. It’s up to us as believers to ensure the Father hears our prayers. In turn, God has a lot that He wants to say to us, just like Elijah. He’d reached his destination after forty days. As he stood in a cave in the mountain of God, there was an earthquake and a fire, but God was not in either. God’s still, small voice moved Elijah’s heart in service to Him.
“Horace Williams Jr. has done it again! This precious man has created an awesome resource about the power of prayer. Daily verses, words of wisdom, thought-provoking questions, and plenty of places to write. This study guide has it all!”
Melanie Redd, Best-selling author, speaker, blogger, and podcaster
I want to help you hear God’s voice. I want to encourage you to have powerful, life-changing prayers. Thankfully, God pulled me out of a deep depression last Fall and inspired me to write a Study Guide for my award-winning book on the power of prayer. It was published in May, and I pray that you are inspired and encouraged as you read.
“When you seek God in prayer, come to Him selflessly with a desire to hear from Him. Let Him shower you with His wisdom and the direction that only He can provide.”
Words cannot express the joy you experience when you hear the “gentle whispers” from God. I hope your prayers begin to take on more of two-way communication. Nothing is better than hearing from the God who loves you and wants what is best for you.
In Christ,
Horace Williams Jr.
About Horace Williams Jr.
In 2010, at the height of his sales and marketing manager career, Horace suffered a massive stroke at the office, which paralyzed his left side. During those times in the hospital, God recaptured his heart and gave him a new purpose in life. Horace now has a burning passion for Christ. God continues to transform him and renew his mind. He wants to use his gift of writing and his testimony to encourage people, reminding them of God’s unconditional love and transforming power. He just published his third inspirational Christian book and is about to begin writing a fourth. For more of his Bible-based content, visit HoraceWilliamsJr.com
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