
Why Is Forgiveness So Hard to Offer? Pink flower behind the words.

Why Is Forgiveness So Hard to Offer?

Have you ever wondered why forgiveness is so hard to offer? Releasing situations and offering forgiveness often mimics a puppy attempting to wriggle its way out of clutched hands. We hold tight, refusing to allow it to go. We grasp that hurt and offense, and we cling to blame like static cling causes a dress…
Gen. 2:7 written in black, poppies in background

Tuck This One In Your Heart

Go ahead–tuck this verse in your heart. Keep it near, assuring every ounce of “you” of God’s interweaving. Sometimes, as a strong-willed gal, I make plans to go here and there and look to the future. But sometimes I get so busy that I forget God. I run ahead, failing to remember where I came…