Spiritual Growth

Kristi Woods encourages faith growth with these tools, ideas, and conversations centered on the Bible, self-worth, love, prayer, and trust.

Are You Certain?

Are You Certain?

Are you certain? Are you saved? Are you certain? We had a phenomenal weekend at church. John Bevere came to speak, yet it was the Lord’s voice we “heard.” Don’t you love it when the anointing of the Lord is oh-so-evident in a Christian’s life and it overflows into the lives of others?  There’s nothing…

New Year

New Year

It’ s the New year. A couple of months ago I believe the Lord spoke clearly to me about taking care of His temple, my body. There were a few physical issues that were rearing their head, they were getting in the way of ministry to my family and to others because I simply didn’t…

Create in Me…..

Create in Me…..

 Create in me a clean heart, O God,  and renew a right, persevering,  and steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 AMP** I’ve had surgery recently. In fact, this gal’s heart still lies wide open on the operating table. The One who is truly able to fix the heart, the organ that is absolutely necessary for…

Decisions, Decisions

Decisions, Decisions

  …and Noah walked with God.  Genesis 6:9 KJV   The children and I are cruising through Genesis right now in our history and Bible studies. In past weeks we’ve walked through creation and the tribulation of Adam and Eve. We also hit upon the trials of their children, Cain and Abel, noting the hefty…

Let Us…#6

Let Us…#6

Although they’re not the deep green garden-variety, the various “let us” in the Bible bring vitamins and nourishment just as easily. The Bible type, however, provide not for our flesh, but are that supernatural boost for our spirit. We’ve spent the last several weeks digging into the vitamins of Hebrews 10, and now it’s time…

Let Us…#5

Let Us…#5

…but let us encourage one another –  and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  Hebrews 10:25b NIV* As we have moved from base to base with the military, the Lord has been faithful to place amazing, sweet friends & churches in our path. There have been times, though, when sadness creeps in…

Let Us…#4

Let Us…#4

Let us not give up meeting together,  as some are in the habit of doing… Hebrews 10:25a NIV*     Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together  [as believers],  as is the habit of some people… Hebrews 10:25a AMP**     Have you ever had one of those days where you really don’t want to…