Jesus is Worth It All: 3 People from the Christmas Story Who Tell Us Why
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Is Jesus is worth it all? Have you ever asked that question? Maybe you’ve been disappointed, afraid, frustrated, or weary of the wait…
Let’s look to the Bible for an answer to our need. At this time of Christmas, three Bible stories and the threads of faith woven into their lives help us overcome those feelings of defeat or even the lingering questions we entertain. They help build our faith–to begin or continue running the race for Christ.
Keep these reminders central as we endeavor throughout the year–living, moving, and having our being in Him–diving deeper in faith, knowing that Jesus is worth it all.
Mary, Mother of Jesus: Her Story Proclaims Jesus is Worth It All
Gabriel’s first words to this youngster–she was estimated to be around 13 years old at the time of conception–were a proclamation. He called her favored. And not just favored, but highly favored.
But then he poured even more sweetness on the situation when he assured Mary that God was with her.
Sometimes when circumstances look anything but smooth, it’s good to have a reminder that God is indeed with us.
But the angel didn’t stop there. He gave a further explanation that’d leave any gal with her mouth gaping.
“‘And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.’”
(Luke 1:31-33 WEB)
The Almighty reached down, and through an angel, assured Mary that, even though the situation looked awkward, enough so that it would have been customary for Joseph to refuse marriage, He had a plan and was seeing it to fruition. (I think I might have screamed and shoved a sock in my mouth at this point. Let’s be honest.)
That which God birthed through Mary was great. He fulfilled the long-awaited promise–the hope of many.
Unlike Mary, all eyes may not be on us and our womb may not carry the Savior, but that which He births through us, go ahead and label as great. Because simply, He is. #MerryChristmas Share on XMary’s story entails how Jesus is worth it all because He is the evidence of the promise fulfilled. In Him awaits eternal hope for every person on earth. With Christ, we gain all we need. Without? We forfeit all.
With Christ, we gather all we need. Without? We forfeit all. #MerryChristmas Share on XOther Post You May Love:
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Simeon, Worshiper, Proclaims the Messiah
Righteous and devout, Simeon worshiped God. He lived and moved with the two-step of the Holy Spirit. (OK, so maybe the Holy Spirit doesn’t two-step, but you know what I mean.)
The Holy Spirit nudged him one day to saunter into the temple courts. And so he did. (Because remember, Simeon was righteous and devout.)
The Lord had assured him that he would not die before seeing the consolation of Israel. And ding! ding! ding! this particular day was his special day.
Mary and Joseph brought Jesus into those same temple courts where Simeon waited. And there, our devout, God-fearing man gathered baby Jesus in his arms–the very promised Messiah. Then, he praised God.
“’Now you are releasing your servant, Master,
according to your word, in peace;
for my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared before the face of all peoples;
a light for revelation to the nations,
and the glory of your people Israel.’”
(Luke 2:29-32 WEB)
Jesus is worth it all because in Him, there’s peace. And who among us doesn’t need peace?
You'll find that sought-after peace, regardless of your past or heritage, in Jesus. #MerryChristmas! Share on XMagi, Goers and Givers for the Cause of Christ
Call these joy-filled men goers and givers. I love their story! In fact, I often relink an old post on the Magi each Christmas because I love them this much. It’s a goodie!
Below are the verses surrounding their story.
“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. They came into the house and saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Opening their treasures, they offered to him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country another way.”
(Matt. 2:10-12 WEB)
They sought out and journeyed to the Messiah. To Him, they gave gifts and worshiped, then they departed with direction, inspiration, and protection. Jesus was worth it all.
Jesus remains our hope. He erases the destruction of death. Find only beautiful, praise-filled eternity in heaven with God Almighty. #MerryChristmas Share on XJesus is Everything Scripture
Along with the scriptures above proclaiming the gift we have in Jesus, here’s one more Bible verse to meditate on this holiday season. It sums up beautifully and succinctly our life in Christ. Its theme? Jesus is everything. What a gift we have in Him!
"He is before all things, and in him all things are held together." (Col. 1:17 WEB) Share on XSo when life feels like it’s tearing apart, go back to this verse. Read the three stories listed here, too.
Search for Jesus. Go to Him. Wait and worship. Then remain. There, in that spiritual space filled with the Messiah, everything holds together–even as the world falls apart. Share on XIs Jesus Worth Your All? A Prayer of Salvation
Have you set your hope for eternity on Jesus?
Is your salvation in Him?
Over twenty years ago, I sat in a little maroon Ford Ranger and asked Jesus to be my Savior. (Find my salvation story here.) I’ve been thankful ever since.
Hope for eternity hinges on Him. You and I–all of humanity–need Jesus. Why? We can’t enter heaven any other way according to John 14:5-6. He’s the ultimate sacrifice for sin.
This Christmas, will you accept the gift of eternal life? Jesus is prepared to give it to you. If you’d like to ask Him to be your Savior, there’s a prayer at the bottom of the Free Christian Resources page.
Merry Christmas, friends.
YES! HE IS WORTHY of all our praise, all our worship, and all of our lives!
Merry Christmas!
Amen, Vickie! Merry Christmas!
This is so beautiful and powerful, Kristi. Love all 3 of these stories and how they point to Jesus as worth it all. Earlier this week, I posted on a social media “Jesus is my everything.” While it received tons of support from Christians, satanists ganged up on me with their comments like “Hail Satan.” But no hail to Satan or any god or person for that matter is a match for my Jesus…the name above all names! Yes, He’s worth it all!
Karen, I love that Jesus is your all. It’s evident in your posts, tweets, and more. Keep raising high the Name above all names, even in the face of opposition. (And gah! That’s not always easy, but He leads you victoriously.)
He is absolutely worth it all! Beautiful post!
Amen, Katie! He is worth is all. Thanks for stopping by.