
Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through understanding and applying prayer in our lives for spiritual growth.

A bedspread with the words Do You KNow the MEaning of All? written over it in a gold circle

Do You Know the Meaning of All?

Have you ever searched, and searched, and SEARCHED for something? Weeks, months, even years? I did recently. My search lasted for seven years. And get this–it was for a simple bed comforter. Several proved perfect – until the contents came to light. Others offered pleasing designs, but the colors rubbed me wrong. And so the story went. Nothing on…

blue sky

Are You Anxious for Nothing?

Are you anxious for nothing–or maybe a little something? Or, a big something? Here’s my story–one of a few–about a battle with anxious thoughts. Be Anxious for Nothing The index card’s backside was barely visible. The back reflected enough of the white, however, to create a three dimensional effect on the mammoth-sized mirror. The card appeared to be…

A whispy weed with the words Releasing and Receiving #YourStory, Joanna Teigen over it

#Your Story: Joanna Teigen on Prayer, Releasing, and Adoption

A cab ride crossed our paths, complete strangers heading to She Speaks 2015. At the weekend’s finale, our friendship was in full blossom. I’m honored to call Joanna Teigen friend and fellow race-runner in faith. Her kind and gentle spirit draw folks, and her words are powerhouses for the Kingdom. She is the author of a book I HIGHLY recommend. (See…

pink flowers above white square with post title

What Happens When Our Prayer Changes From “My” Will to “Thy” Will?

Have you ever transitioned “my” will to “Thy” will? It’s often not easy. Just look at Jesus when He spoke the words in Luke 22:42. But good things happen when that transition happens. Here’s a story to encourage us. What’s Thy Will? “Will you pray for us, Kristi? We’re hoping to get orders to Northwest,” my…