
Encouraging women to walk deeper with God at Kristi Woods (.net) through Thanksgiving Scriptures, activities, studies, and more.

3 Ways to Keep the Spirit of Thanksgiving Alive All Year

3 Ways to Keep the Spirit of Thanksgiving Alive All Year

Can we keep the spirit of Thanksgiving alive all year? Possibly… Read on. “Keep Daddy safe.” My son prayed the prayer with vigilance. Day after day, week after week, and month after month he fashioned and offered it. His little two-year-old lips sought the face of his heavenly Father for the safety of his earthly…

Giving Thanks ~ Here’s Our Memory Verse for WORD17, Week 40

Giving Thanks ~ Here’s Our Memory Verse for WORD17, Week 40

Welcome to WORD17, a Bible memory verse program! This month we’re focusing on thanksgiving. And why not go for the gusto, giving thanks for everything? Scribble “scriptural” all over it. On WORD17, we hide 1 Bible verse in our heart each month. Most other Mondays, we revisit the verse either through a graphic or a…

fall leaf with the words Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is in the air in America. But will the attitude and offering of thanks stay with us year-round? We’re called to remain vigilant with thanksgiving – regardless of where we live on the globe. I don’t know about you, but at times it’s easy for me to slip-slide away from a thankful attitude. Colossians 4:2 is a…

2 Links for Us to Grab in the Battle with Emotions

2 Links for Us to Grab in the Battle with Emotions

It seems whenever I write on a topic, a battle suddenly blazes in that very area. Often it’s steeped with emotions. Does that happen to you, too? Maybe it’s not with writing, but simply with spiritual growth. You’re making progress, growing spiritually and leaving ways of the past behind. Then suddenly, BAM! A fire ignites…

Blue sky with yellow-leafed tree, Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4 NIV) written above the tree

In Life’s “Tough”, How Do You Give Thanks?

“Prepare me, Lord.” The ending days of Dad’s life were coming. The rockslide was imminent, a slippery slope for certain. I didn’t want Dad to go. I needed God. Maybe you have felt that stomach-churning realization as well? The prayer was whispered in August. Just last week, I realized God answered that prayer. Maybe he has answered…