
Post title Delighting in God on a gold background

Delighting in God: the Secret Spice of the Gospel

Delighting in God–it rings beautifully, doesn’t it? A precious, vivacious gal I recently met at the Spark Christian Podcast Conference in Houston lives a life that exudes delight in our faithful, loving Father. I hope you enjoy podcaster and women’s ministry leader Stephanie Rousselle’s story and are encouraged by it as I was. Enjoy! Delighting…
Blog Title on gold background - 10 Best Podcasts for Christian Moms

10 Best Podcasts for Christian Moms

Are you turning a listening ear, looking for the best podcasts for Christian moms? Lean in, friend. We’ve got a list of 10 good, helpful, and encouraging podcasts just for you–ones targeted at Christian moms of all ages and experience. But some of these aren’t just for moms. They’re for those of us looking toward…
raindrops in the background with post title of What Grief Does to You

What Grief Does to You

I hadn’t intended on sharing this today, but then Kobe Bryant died on Sunday, thrusting many into a world of sadness and despair. It’s a funny thing, what grief does to you. Grief The sports world and more reeled at the news–young and old fans alike. Another talented voice silenced. Nine in that helicopter in…