Eyes that See

Eyes that See

Recently it seemed as though the Lord was placing a call in my spirit for women to have “eyes that see”. The sensing happened in Australia during the conference and it has happened since coming back to the USA. I believe it to be the Lord, so the prayers are now going heavenward. I pray…



As the heavens are higher than the earth,  so are my ways higher than your ways  and my thoughts than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:9 NIV Recently I was flying back to Hawaii after a wonderful encounter with God at a conference in Australia. During the flight back, I peered out the tiny airplane window at…

Poured Out

Poured Out

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Romans 5:5 NIV* It is with striving, striving and more striving that we often seek the love of the Lord.   “This is so hard!” “I don’t know how to…

Colour…and More

Colour…and More

Hello Sweet Friends…. As the keyboard is clicking away, our three sweet children lay just a few feet away. They are clad in their jammies and sleeping soundly in their tent just outside the lanai. I, in my jammies too, am in the midst of thankfulness for three such beautiful children. I soooo cherish those…

Clothing Self

Clothing Self

Clothing: it’s an essential item in our times. The articles of necessity can be beautiful and flowing or they can be tattered and torn, dirty and in need of cleansing.    It’s amazing how our hearts resemble clothing.  They can be beautiful and flowing, or they can be….. And, ultimately, it’s us who make the…



David and all the Israelites marched to Jerusalem, that is, Jebus.  The Jebusites who lived there said to David,  “You will not get in here.” Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion, the City of David.  1 Chronicles 11:4-5 NIV*   God has a call on your life. Oftentimes, while on the path with the…