
Kristi Woods helps Christian women through spiritual mentoring. Look for topics surrounding Christian parenting, friendship, outreach, testimonies, and uplifting guest posts.

Sky background with God, Can You Help Me + Book Reviews on a white overlay

God, Can You Help Me? + Book Reviews & a Giveaway

God, can you help me? Have you ever uttered, “God, can you help me?” The words swirl in our thoughts when we find ourselves in a quandary when the battle grows strong. We grow weary. Fighting feels defeating. Silence emanates from God’s side. The situation appears impossible. And then the thought slips into our…

Pink zinnia flower with the words, When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped { Guest Post }

When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers the Way You Hoped Welcome to today’s guest blogger, Crystal Storms. She’s a friend from my days in Florida. She’s a past guest here as well, and gosh, we love this girl. A hearty welcome to Crystal Storms. Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when longing is fulfilled, it is a…

Pavers making a sidewalk with Christian blog post overlay that says Pray These 3 Bold Prayers to Help Protect Your College Student

Pray These 3 Bold Prayers to Help Protect Your College Student

Here are three bold prayers for your college student.  What Led Me to Pray for My College Student “Mom, when I leave for college, I probably won’t be home until December,” Joel offered. Tears filled my eyes and began spilling south. With head bowed, my oldest son commented, “Gary says you’ll probably cry when I…

5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know (Texting Ideas Included)

5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know (Texting Ideas Included)

    Ready for truth and text ideas? Here are 5 Powerful Truths Your Student Needs to Know. It’s back-to-school time. Last year at this time, we dropped Joel at college. In fact, the one-year memory photo popped on my Facebook feed over the weekend. Talk about transitions! Joel zoomed forward into adulthood, heading four…

4 Ways to Model Your Marriage According to the Master Plan

4 Ways to Model Your Marriage According to the Master Plan

by Liz Giertz, guest blogger/writer I don’t know about you, but the longer I’m married, the more I see and hear stories of messy marriages and notice the missteps in my own. Maybe our depraved culture is to blame. It’s possible feminism is the problem. Perhaps, a societal lack of commitment is crippling the covenant….