Fear Not: Bible Verses and Tools to Overcome Your Fear
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Have you ever battled fear and needed a “fear not” moment? I get you. Many folks walk through life afraid–of disease, the unknown, change, rejection, failure, and so much more. It’s evident society’s seeing a pandemic of this right now, but sometimes, fear’s threaded so deeply we fail to notice it. And it holds us from running boldly as God intends.
Gulp. True story. This happened with my own fear of rejection.
If we ask for wisdom, which includes our personal, private, often-hidden-to-us battles with fear, our God gives generously. He’s an “answering” God, and those life-changing moments are powerful. (Cling to your faith, friend.)
In this post, you’ll find helpful tools for the battle, such as scripture, a new, downloadable Bible study releasing today, and a free, 3-day devotional. So read on, okay? Like David, run to the battle line now, friend. With His direction, overcome that pesky giant spewing empty threats and holding you back. Debunk the power of fear.
What Does God Say About Fear and Anxiety?
God has a few things to say about fear and anxiety. Let’s peruse the Bible to find out, shall we?
Philippians 4:6 instructs us to not be anxious about anything. Fear goes hand-in-hand. (By the way, that verse in Philippians is solid for memorizing and using in those times when fear tosses around its threats.)
Luke 1 notes Mary’s encounter with Gabriel, an angel. The exchange begins with Mary’s fear and Gabriel’s counter to “fear not.” We see this assurance against fear often in Luke.
In 1 Samuel 17, the Bible details the story of David and the giant–a story centered around fear, or the absence of it. It’s David’s courage, man’s fear, and the threats of a soon-to-be-dismantled giant outlined beautifully. Take some time and read through this chapter, noting all that’s noticed with courage and fear–the who, what, and where of it.
We’ve not been given a spirit of fear, according to 2 Timothy 1:7. Notice fear’s noted as a spirit. Fight accordingly, in a spiritual manner versus carnal. The weapons of God, as reinforced in 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, are mighty.
Bible Verses on Overcoming Fear
The Bible contains many verses concerning fear. Each one mimics a knife slice, cutting the weapon and deception of our enemy to its core. Use these as you wage war on this tenacious foe, reciting, studying and professing as necessary.
- “‘Haven’t I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be dismayed, for Yahweh your God is with you wherever you go’” (Josh. 1:9 WEB).
- “Then David said to the Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin; but I come to you in the name of Yahweh of Armies, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied'” (1 Sam. 17:45 WEB).
- “For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7 WEB).
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Fear Not Bible Verse
There are several “fear not” Bible verses. Here’s a solid one in the WEB version. (This version doesn’t specifically use “fear not”, but other versions do.) Consider memorizing this verse from Isaiah or writing it on a notecard for frequent viewing.
“Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness” (IS 41:10 WEB).
Three Resources to Overcome Fear
Forget complacency or uncertainty. Comfort too. Run, instead, in trust and obedience. Grab these additional tools to help you boldly run in the will of God, overcoming the stalemate caused by fear.
Please, please, please don’t neglect this tool. In fact, grab it as one of your first weapons–right along with the Bible. Prayer is our line to God, and He desires we use it. Through prayer, he’ll pour out the wisdom and revelation we seek. This is how I realized I battled an unknown enemy: the spirit of rejection. (Read on for more on that.)
Fear What? Debunking the Power of Fear Bible Study
Forget complacency. Comfort, too. Knowledge, even in the spiritual realm, is power. Fear What? A short but deep instant download Bible study releases today.
Fear What Pricing
It’s on sale for $4 through the end of October 2020.
On November 1, the price will increase but will still be affordable.
Live Bible Study with Kristi
Join me and other participants for a live Zoom Bible study session. Choose one, no sign up required. Find the Zoom links here.
- Tuesday, October 27 at 7PM (central)
- Thursday, October 29 at 12PM (central).
Removing the Sting of Rejection
This free devotional resulted from my own battle with rejection. Funny enough, I was blinded to the battle until the Holy Spirit peeled back misunderstanding and allowed me to see things with the light of His truth. It was a powerful moment that I’ll always remember. Our God’s like that, He moves us in change for His glory and in ways that leave a lasting impact.
I hope you find benefit, my friend, from these tools, and you find spiritual success. Look toward One who knows the plan. Fear not and walk solidly in obedience to Him. Jesus loves you, and His perfect love casts out all fear.
Sounds like an amazing Bible study! It’s so easy to become crippled by fear but I’m grateful God’s word reminds us that we don’t have to fear!
Amen to that–fear not, Shante.