Here’s One Way to Grow Your Faith This Summer

You’re a joy. Always. But it’s time for a…

Blogging Break

during the week of May 29.

However, I didn’t want you to miss the golden, faith-growing opportunity below.

One way to grow your faith - Summer Study advertisement with Come with Me book cover


Grow Your Faith with this Summer Book Study

It’s Tea, God, and Me – Bible Study

We’ll be gathering ~ different gals in different timezones. Isn’t that fun?!

RSVP, grab your tea, a copy of Suzie Eller’s book, Come With Me and let’s gather, grow, and worship for an hour each week.

Join us ~ Tea, God, and Me Bible and Book Studies. Come With Me by @SuzanneEller, starts June 7. It's a summer 2 grow in ur walk w/Jesus! Share on X

Other Posts to Help Grow Your Faith the Summer

(Added May 2021)

Bible Studies to Help Grow Your Faith

Find video and downloadable Bible studies here to help you in your faith walk. Some are free, others cost. All are helpful.

Bible study title page: Fear What? Debunking the Power of Fear
Purple background with announcement of Christian Bible word study for Christian women called Created to Believe
White paper on a purple background to introduce the Online Believe Bible Word Study
Free Online Bible Study available at the Bible Studies tab

Do you struggle with rejection?

Removing the Sting of Rejection

Subscribe below to receive the 3-day devotional Removing the Sting of Rejection in your inbox for FREE. Use this devotional to build your spiritual muscles to counter the sting of rejection.

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  1. Kristi, what a neat summer study! I love that. And I hope your break is hugely refreshing — I actually love how summer lets me set a different, easier rhythm for the days.

  2. I will be praying for you during your break friend:) I would LOVE to join the study, but my hubby has blessed me with an awesome anniversary gift. We’re going on an Alaskan cruise! I pray the study is a blessing to all who participate. I love that book. It’s one I will read over and over.